Inside Looking Outside

Perspective can sometimes be a mindf*ck. When you learn to view things at different angles, you slowly but surely come to form well-rounded stances on things. Take for instance anime. Before joining the Strawberry Scented Burnout crew, the only thought I had about anime was that it was a cartoon. A cartoon filled with exaggerated…

SSB vs. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu #3

I don’t even know where to begin.  Other than the fact that I almost creaked my neck during rolling warm-ups, I think I’m slowly getting the hang of BJJ.  I’m doing a lot of rolling with the other students, and they’ve all got a ton of experience.  It really feels like I’ve gotta catch up…

You can has air time.

I laughed way louder than I should have.

MGR:Revengeance has the best final boss of 2013.

I’m calling it already.  This is the best final boss battle of 2013.  Obviously, this video has spoilers for Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance, so if you care about that shit, then don’t watch.

Is 30 the new 30?

I wonder.  Because I’ve been 30 for about a week now, and it still hasn’t quite set in.  I mean, I’ve still got hair, and people think that i’m 20.  Last week, I was training at my gym, and I was spending some time doing bagwork.  The dude next to me struck up a conversation…

Being on the outside looking in isn’t all that bad.

I don’t even know what day it is anymore of my social media ban/strike, whatever it is.  I’m starting to see shit.  Like…patterns.  Some things just sorta take a strange turn after you take a step back and look at shit objectively, rather than subjectively. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m in my thirties that…

Sleeping Dogs : Year of the Snake

So you’re WEI SHEN MOTHERFUCKER!  You’ve taken down Big Smile Lee, Sonny Wo, and made Hong Kong a safer place for everyone.  So where’s your big fat reward and your ticket home? Fat chance.  You get busted back down to a beat cop, and now some crazed-up cult wants to fuck things up!  What are…

The Awakening

Greetings! My name is Alissa and I consider myself a “freshman” in this anime/manga/comic world (I honestly don’t understand the differences yet, if there is any). I imagine I will be exposed to all sorts of “stuff” I never knew existed, and I expect to have many difficulties trying to assimilate into this new world….

Be inspired. (Yeah, I know that’s Fairtex’s line. I rock that brand too.)

I was talkin’ with my boy Andrew earlier tonight, and he’s totally into his new training regimen at “The Boxing Club”.  He was telling me about the classes he’s gonna be taking, workouts he’s planning, and the diet he’s currently on.  It sounds like I lit a fire under his butt.  It’s a good thing….


You find the darndest things when you clean your cubicle.