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SSB vs. Valvrave:The Liberator


It’s been about 11 years or so since Gundam Seed first hit us with its “space drama giant robots destroying colonies” schtick, and Sunrise decided that we were lacking in that department, so they sent us Valvrave.  They realized early on that teenagers go with giant robots, just like Evangelion (we all know how well that turned out, right).

No, not that.
No, not that.

[gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.04_[2013.05.05_07.20.48] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.08_[2013.05.05_07.21.09] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.11_[2013.05.05_07.21.17] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.18_[2013.05.05_07.21.30] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.32_[2013.05.05_07.21.53] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.37_[2013.05.05_07.22.08] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.40_[2013.05.05_07.22.16] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.42_[2013.05.05_07.22.25] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.49_[2013.05.05_07.22.38] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_01.54_[2013.05.05_07.22.52] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_02.08_[2013.05.05_07.23.15] [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_04_[88D7EE45].mkv_snapshot_18.24_[2013.05.05_07.25.30]

My first impressions after watching the first 4 episodes?

They threw Gundam Seed (NOT DESTINY), Code Geass, Vampires, Metal Gear Solid 4’s nanomachines, and TM Revolution into a blender, and this is the result.  A visual feast of stuff blowing up, teenagers making peace signs, and EL ERUFU.  I’m impressed by it.  Maybe it’s the fact that I’m older now, but I’m finding it harder and harder to get an anime to gel with me if it’s not Initial D.  I blame TM Revolution.

SSB’s “TM Revolution Rule of Cool” – If TM Revolution is involved with an Anime/Manga/Game franchise of any sort, it’s automatically cool, or at least tolerable.

So yes, I will be following Valvrave: The Liberator.