Good Job Anaheim…

This writer from the Whedonopolis website shares her experience from WonderCon…and feels Anaheim can’t handle Comic-Con if it were to ever move there… Check out the article below… Why I’m No Longer Worried About Comic Con Moving to Anaheim


  Jen by eileendoniegodefrance featuring a muscle tee So it’s been awhile since I last posted a Polyvore of a character. This one is of Jen – I did this one last week. I usually have a description that goes along w/her that I put on my website ( but I haven’t even done that….

Ja red

  So I tried to pick clothes that were just as handsome as Jared is but it’s just not possible. Here’s a few items that are cautious, cunning and also says “hey guys I’m in a Frat and i’m handsome”… The white dress shirt should be buttoned like the model in the picture and left…

Eye of the Camera

  So from day one I have been a complete unabashed fan of the form of literary expression known as the comic. I’m not one of those Simpsons comic book guy look alikes that lines up at the shop door every Wednesday to pick up the newest title, and I haven’t followed faithfully through any…

Charlie bit me

My first whack at Charlie. Dark blue denim should taper at the bottom…Striped V neck should peak from the bottom of the opened leather Obey jacket. Pork Pie hat should be worn like the handsome white guy in the picture. Everything is VERY fitted. no baggy shit for charlie Richie’s Admin Note: Polyvore turned into…

live blog

shit just got real…it’s how we do

8 trigrams 64 palms and a Live Blog

With Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five” playing in my head I now have a feeling of sheer victory now encompassing my body as I proceed to consume orange flavored licorice with the ruthlessness of a Hun warrior. Standing a not too shabby five foot 10 inches clad in nothing less than Tony Hawk brand skinny jeans,…

Sears, how low you have fallen.

Sears, how low you have fallen.

Okay, seriously? Body pillowcases? Of Yoko? From Gurren Lagann? Sold at SEARS?!

What. The. Fuck.

Anime Conji 2012

I’m a little slow on the uptake, but I’ll get over it… Anyway, Anime Conji was this past weekend. I was surprised that half of Team Mixed Nuts was staff for the convention…and I was only a program participant… I had to laugh when I somehow got enlisted as a volunteer, but that was short…

Happy Birthday, William Shatner!

The star of T.J. Hooker, only the greatest cop show of the 80’s celebrates his birthday today! Oh yeah…he was on a show called Star Trek or something….