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Inside Looking Outside


Perspective can sometimes be a mindf*ck. When you learn to view things at different angles, you slowly but surely come to form well-rounded stances on things. Take for instance anime. Before joining the Strawberry Scented Burnout crew, the only thought I had about anime was that it was a cartoon. A cartoon filled with exaggerated animation and subtitles. After speaking with various people about anime, I have come to realize that there is so much more to anime than meets the eye – Transformers! – and that there are deeper messages ingrained into these so-called “cartoons”.

The more angles I get to view, the more intrigued I am by this anime world. I no longer feel as if I am an outsider looking into this world of anime, but I now see myself as a student that has entered this anime kingdom, ready to absorb as much knowledge as I can. A part of me wonders why people think of this world as “geeky” because it seems that a lot of it is quite beautiful. The creativity that goes into the graphics and storylines is amazing. This Otaku culture that I keep hearing about proves to be more and more interesting. 😉

Related: https://ss-burnout.com/2013/03/15/being-on-the-outside-looking-in-isnt-all-that-bad/