It has been an interesting ride being a part of this group. You may begin to ask yourself why I would say that? Over the past 3+ years my good friend Jay had been working to develop not only this comic, but his own personal life itself. After him and his long time girlfriend has…
So after celebrating Handsome-Justin’s Bday, I said to myself i should be more healthy. As of today I am drinking a mix of barley-tea, machta-green tea with Cranberry/Apple juice. Various journals have reported that these two teas have the ability to boost metabolism and burn fat among other things. It is a simple to improve your diet…
You know.
This writer from the Whedonopolis website shares her experience from WonderCon…and feels Anaheim can’t handle Comic-Con if it were to ever move there… Check out the article below… Why I’m No Longer Worried About Comic Con Moving to Anaheim
shit just got real…it’s how we do
With Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five” playing in my head I now have a feeling of sheer victory now encompassing my body as I proceed to consume orange flavored licorice with the ruthlessness of a Hun warrior. Standing a not too shabby five foot 10 inches clad in nothing less than Tony Hawk brand skinny jeans,…
The star of T.J. Hooker, only the greatest cop show of the 80’s celebrates his birthday today! Oh yeah…he was on a show called Star Trek or something….
It helps if you play this song as you read this entry. I’ve been doing some thinking. When I started this comic group a few years ago, it’s grown, changed, hell, I’d even be so bold to say that it evolved. What began as my quest for healing and redemption became something much bigger…
It’s finally over. My first convention as a Volunteer Coordinator. And while Justin demands that I do my write-up of anime conji now…there really isn’t much I can say. Well, I’ll try, at least. Shitty backpacks, crazy cosplayers, hentai panels over the radio, stormy weather, Dong Dong Never Die, Bronies, Pegasisters, Artists, dispatching volunteers,…