Strawberry Scented Burnout: Taekwondo #2 – Mina’s first fight!

Without further adoo-doo, here’s issue #2 of Strawberry Scented Burnout: Taekwondo!  Mina and Jay are about to have their first fight, but not before Jay goes over the rules.  Rules are important, you know.

S.S. Burnout: Tae Kwon Do

There comes a time for growth, there comes a time for change, and there comes a time to completely smack the world over the head with something no one saw coming. You guys have been the loyal faithful and the dedicated followers. It’s high time that WE (Team Mixed Nuts) return the love and provide…

San Diego Comic Con Day 0 Haul

What do Black Widow, X-23, and Batman have in common?  WE OWN THEM.   HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Unfortunately our boxes are still wrapped, so the pictures will come later.  🙂 Something’s off about X-23 though.  Why is she smiling?  Isn’t Laura Kinney supposed to be the 2nd best at what she does?  Killing?

Practice: The Legend of Zelda Symphony of The Goddesses by San Diego Symphony.

San Diego Symphony practice one day before concert at Comic Con 2012, I apologize for the quality as everything was improvised, and had technical difficulties with people messing with the equipment before the end of one of the songs. never the less please enjoy this exclusive!

San Diego Comic Con Entry #2 – Then and now.

My first comic con that I can remember going to was back in 1996.  I slept over at my buddy Ryan L.’s house, along with our homie Felix R.  Y’see, growing up I wasn’t much of an athletic kid, and most of my classmates from elementary and junior high school can attest to that.  So…

San Diego Comic Con entry #1 – “Maybe the end’s the start that we need.”

This story never gets old.  A while back, I had to make a tough choice.  Girlfriend’s cousin’s 21st birthday in Vegas, or San Diego Comic Con?  I chose the comic con, and because of my indecision, I was only able to get passes for that Sunday.  This was back in 2008.  I vowed to never…

Twitchy’s Anime Rocking Chair – Metal Fighter Miku

The sound of a creaky rocking chair permeates the room you’re reading this in.  Yes.  Even in the bathroom where you’re probably taking a shit as you read this.  THERE’S A FUCKING ROCKING CHAIR IN THERE TOO RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR. *ahem* Babes in powered suits.  It doesn’t get old, does it?  In the mid-90’s the practice was…

Breaking the Cycle

It’s incredible how hard it is to break the cycle. I used to tell myself that i’d drop out of school to focus on work. 7 long years later I have a BA in English and transcripts with streams of A’s and B’s with no hint of a any “break” to be found. It’s a…

Strawberry Scented Burnout – Teaser #1

I just woke up from a scrumptious nap and I remembered that some of you readers have been asking for some more stuff that’s “Strawberry Scented Burnout” related.  My bad.  Here’s a piece from our very own Baltimore Beast, JINXHAND.

Strawberry Scented Burnout Meetup #1 – MARK IS AT THE CENTER OF THE WORLD.

So WordPress is acting really funny right now.  Not quite sure what’s going on, but here’s some of the photo’s from our first meetup at Tea N More.  Serious.