Page 5 is up!

Someone finally makes an appearance!  Well, not just Coach Caine.  And Alissa.

My Favorite NES Soundtrack

via ChuchMag The very first console I ever owned was a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). I was 4 1/2 years old then and the 1980’s were coming to an end. But my lifelong affection for the sights and sounds of this 8-bit machine were only beginning. Now before I even had an NES to call my…

Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #1 Review

via “I am a leaf on the wind…Watch how I soar.” Those were the words of Hoban Washburne just moments before he (SPOILERS) met his demise in the film Serenity. They also serve as the inspiration for the title of the newest Serenity miniseries “Leaves on the Wind”. And while it’s been 9 years…

Thank you PlayStation 4

FACT: I don’t own a PlayStation 4. Francis and Ferris do. I don’t. Now before you say that I’m 200-and-late on next-gen consoles, hear me out for a second! I am a big proponent of the PS4. I love what it can do and what it will be capable of doing. I will own one when the…

Ms. Marvel #1 Review

via Ms. Marvel #1, written by G. Willow Wilson and illustrated by Adrian Alphona, is an outstanding debut issue. Featuring Marvel’s first Muslim lead character in an ongoing series, we are introduced to 16 year old super heroine in the making Kamala Khan. A clever and spirited young woman, it’s evident from the first…

Go-Busters? More like Maybe-Busters

FACT: Japanese tokusatsu (masked hero shows) have been in Japan for over 40 years. They are also loved by both children and adults alike, including man-children such as myself. I’ve been powering through season after season since a friend recommended them this passed Anime Expo, The latest series I finished is Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. It’s hard for me…

Chapter 1, Page 3.

The intro saga continues as Justin tries to escape from his photoshoot, and the twins try to make food.  

Give Kick-Ass 2 a chance!

FACT: The number of movies based on comic books grows larger by the day. Films that deserve your attention are often overlooked during their box office run. Enter Kick-Ass 2. The first film, Kick-Ass, is based off the Icon title with the premise of ordinary teenager Dave Lizewski becoming a real-life super hero. Kick-Ass 2…

“Nice Guys”

This may not seem like a big deal to all of you in the blogosphere but, I personally can’t stand when I see “Nice Guy” status updates or tweets. I’m sure you’ve seen them…you haven’t!? allow me to show you some examples. “In the movies, the good guy gets the girl. In real life, it’s usually…

Legacy Dragon Dagger pre-order!

FACT: Otakus love toys. Here’s a one for you guys I know you’ll love! If you’re anything like me, you probably caught Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as a kid. If you’re also like me, your parents didn’t buy you those toys (if your parents did, lucky you!). You may have seen the Legacy Morphers or Megazord but…