Phoenix Wright’s Theme 8 Bit – Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 – YouTube

I’m a big fan of Chiptune music.  Now this piece right here is based off a theme song from a fighting game, namely “Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3”.  This is Phoenix Wright’s fighting music, as well as his hyper combo theme (kicks in at 1:41). 8-bit-ception right here.  Music based on a game that’s based…

Ar Tonelico – my love, my feels, and all of my money!

I can’t explain why I love the Ar Tonelico series.  On paper, it shouldn’t work.  There’s nothing about the story, the battle system, or even the art that hasn’t been done already by a traditional Japanese RPG, or even a Visual Novel.  When you look at the box art above for all three games, what…

Guile Theme on the violin.

Lara does it again. Awesome.

Anime Conji 2012

I’m a little slow on the uptake, but I’ll get over it… Anyway, Anime Conji was this past weekend. I was surprised that half of Team Mixed Nuts was staff for the convention…and I was only a program participant… I had to laugh when I somehow got enlisted as a volunteer, but that was short…

Star Wars: The Old Republic Patch 1.2! Legacy! Ship Droid Affectio…wait what?!

Oh wow.  They’ve added ship droid affection!  Which is great…if you want to, y’know….I’ve got nothing. The legacy features seem pretty nifty too.

A new Sim City game?! ABOUT TIME.

Oh Sim City, if I could count the hours I spent laying down residential zones, power lines, railroad tracks, and watching my cities grow, and grow, and grow….and now you’re coming back in 2013?! That sure as hell gives me something to look forward to.  Plus, who can forget the “reticulating splines” line?  They’d better…

On the glory of Squaresoft, NOT SQUARE ENIX.

The peeps at covered one of Richie Branson‘s earlier songs, however, this song hits a lot closer to home.  Justin blogged about Chrono Trigger a few entries ago, and this song also samples a track from the same game.  However the subject matter is different. Richie’s song is an ode to Squaresoft, the once-king…

Dom Kennedy and the Secret of the Forest

Dom Kennedy has one of the most laid back, graceful voices to lace a rap track in years and whether or not he stuns you with his lyrics you will no doubt leave a listening session with at least four phrases to raise your ego in the face of any situation. Dom is the kind…