I’m a multifaceted geek. So when my friends from the band Red Matter told me that they were gonna play at The Griffin, how could I say no? I wasn’t disappointed. I got to hear some amazing bands play, had some good times, got pretty smashed…and Her Crimson Love is a dope band. Too bad…
This is getting ridiculous. Since I’ve been gaming, I’ve never killed anyone, shot anyone, used Omnislash on Sephiroth, thrown hadoukens at Sakura, casted Cure on Rinoa, stomped on a goomba, killed Dracula, fought Metal Gear Rex in an abandoned missile disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island, and…. You get the picture. There is no link…
Creepy-ass tonberries. With their stabby knives, beady eyes, and….lamp. Well. I’ve got something for you. Say hello to my little friends.
Anime Conji. San Diego’s only anime convention. You might be wondering what a small website like ours has to do with this anime convention? Well…a few things. For one thing, I’m one of the volunteer coordinators. And yes, we are recruiting. Interested? Sound off in the comments, and I WILL RESPOND. Serious. The volunteer…
Shit’s gonna get real in 2013! I can’t wait!
SSB’s goal for 2013 is simple. To do even more epic shit than we’ve been doin’. What do we have planned? Let’s see: commission corner – a spot for you, our readers, to request drawings from our very own Rolando. Anime Conji 2013 – I’m the volunteer coordinator again, so you can bet your ass…
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 26,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 6 Film Festivals Click here to see the complete report. To all…
What can we say. Modern geekdom wouldn’t be where it is today without you. Happy Birthday Stan, and keep on creating, writing, and doing what you do best. GEEKING OUT! The creative team of SSB wishes you the very best….and make more Heroman!
Assassin’s Creed 3? The game experience was good, but the game doesn’t hint at any closure at all. Well, sorta. After beating the game I felt…unsatisfied. If they’re planning on releasing sequels to ACIII, then…. GODDAMNIT UBISOFT, STOP THAT SHIT AND JUST FINISH THE DAMN STORY! In the end, Assassin’s Creed 2 is still my…
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