Asian Archetypes in Comics: Revealed and Reimagined

For any film makers, writers, actors, or musicians out there, the Japanese American Natural Museum in Los Angeles is calling for original monologues or short performance pieces “that rethink, subvert, deconstruct, or satirize the eight Asian pop-culture archetypes depicted in the Marvels & Monsters: Unmasking Asian Images in U.S. Comics, 1942-1986 exhibition. Winning entries to be showcased on…

Life at “The Boxing Club”

Gym time. This is where the magic happens. Stick with us and we’ll see how deep the rabbit hole really goes.

Editorial : Supreme Court rules DOMA unconstitutional, and gay dinosaur porn.

The following editorial is solely the opinion of the CEO of SSB, and does not reflect the opinions of SSB.  Got a problem?  Too bad. On the 26th of June, the Supreme Court of the US decided in a 5-4 ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional.  This proved to be a landmark…