
Since today is a wonderful sunny day to lay in bed and do nothing I am smiling. So what better way to celebrate this then with a video of Aya Ueto singing a song about smiling. I know there are thousands of songs about smiling but…how many of them have an amazingly cute Japanese mega…

QUAKE WITH FEAR! or Jealousy

So by a show of hands, how many of you have watched Ronin Warriors or in Japan Yoroiden Samurai Troopers at any at any point in your life? I personally was a huge fan of the series. I always wondered what Armor I would don If I were an actual Ronin Warrior. What would be my Virtue?…

Martial arts and Me

I consider myself to be a Mixed Martial Artist.  Now, I’m not as big, cut, or as juiced up as someone like “Rampage” Jackson, “Bones” Jones, or even Wanderlei Silva.  But I do have the passion for the martial arts. Ever since I was 15, I’ve been involved in the martial arts in some way,…

No rest for the best of the best.

First off, a quick shoutout to my homies at  The superfriends of the Internet. Naptime first.  

Dear “The Pack” Shut Up

Just about everyone I know has come into contact with a good old classic pair of Vans at least once in their life, the vast majority of these people probably a good deal more than one pair.  The classic thick rubber soles, thin canvas body and endless array of colors have combined to create a…

Just A Lil More Dance Punk

I’m on a dance punk kick since last night – let me have this! You see, I felt my post on !!! did not do the genre justice. Even though !!! is one of the recommended bands to listen to when it comes to this genre, they aren’t my favorite. I’ve always preferred Yeah Yeah…


Let’s talk music (because apparently that’s what I am supposed to talk about). I just got back home from seeing !!! tonight (also spelled/pronounced Chk Chk Chk). I was pretty bummed that I didn’t get to go to Disneyland today, so seeing !!! was a nice treat. I had totally forgotten about the show until…

Has it really been 10 years?

As I’m unwinding from today’s activities, I wander on to youtube and decide to look at some Kingdom Hearts videos.  Then it hits me.  It’s been ten years since the first Kingdom Hearts game.  TEN years.  Holy shit, where did the time go? I can still remember reading about the game’s concept.  Final Fantasy +…


Hi I am Ferrisb1 or Jared and no idea what you guys want to call me. I have no idea what I am gonna contribute to this blog. Actually I think I am just gonna add random stories or random girl stories, random relationship stuff who knows. Oh and I WILL rant about sports. FYI….

Okay, I think I just geek-gasmed

Watch this video.  Go ahead, I’ll wait. I want to do two things after watching this.  Play Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and use Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor.  The other thing?  Blog about how the movie would be so much better with Phoenix Wright, Albert Wesker, and Ryu.  Hadoukens, UROBOROS, and OBJECTIONS. I…