Of course I supported “Mighty No. 9”. Why wouldn’t I?!

For many of us gamers, Mega Man has a special place in our collective hearts.  Some more than others.  Admittedly, I didn’t start playing with the Blue Bomber until the X series.  That shit was the tits. However, the blue bomber’s been gettin’ the shaft from Capcom as of late, and after his creator Keiji…

For all our readers going back to school…

I hope your senpai notices you.

Courtesy of Sherdog :)

A Lineal History: Middleweight Championship Infographic by Sherdog

Life at “The Boxing Club”

Gym time. This is where the magic happens. Stick with us and we’ll see how deep the rabbit hole really goes.

Ben Affleck is the new Batman!? I’m not worried.

Ben Affleck’s the new Batman.  Is he the first actor to jump from Marvel to DC?  I don’t know.  Daredevil wasn’t that great, and don’t get me started on Elektra.  Still, I have hope for Bats.  Wanna know why? Holden McNeil breaks it down.

Geek of the Week: Nicholas Selby

Oh to be young again. As the new school year approaches, many new and returning students at high schools, colleges, or trade schools will be attending orientations and meet-and-greets, and hearing speeches by students, faculty, and teachers. This year at Georgia Institute of Technology, Nicholas Selby gives an EPIC convocation speech to this year’s freshman class. And…

Megumi Nakajima FTW!

Ah, Megumi Nakajima.  One of my favorite seiyuu.  I wonder what she’s up to these days?  Oh yeah, she’s half-filipino.  Yay!  BTW, she’s the one in the white.  May’n is the girl on the left in black.  She provided the singing voice for Sheryl Nome in Macross Frontier.  Megu-chan did the voice work for Ranka…

Oh Me Oh My: The New Gangnam?

Apparently the latest single by South Korean girl group Crayon Pop, “Bar Bar Bar”, could be the next “Gangnam Style“? The dance is being called “Straight-Five Engine Dance” due to its cylindrical moves, which mirrors the movements of five engine cylinders. It has been rising in South Korea’s music charts. Go silly pop music! According…

Nostalgic Nibble: Azn Pryde

In response to a post by pjay19 on buzzfeed.com (article link here), I must say that he has quite a few valid points. It’s funny how someone pointed out how “azn” was a word back in the day (i.e. late 1990s and early 2000s). In pjay19’s list, he notes certain actions/traits/articles that denotes Asian-American (aka Azn-American)…

The bond between MMA fighters goes beyond the octagon.

Jose Aldo and Chan Sung-Jung recently fought for the UFC featherweight championship this past saturday at UFC 163. It ended when Chan Sung-Jung’s shoulder got horribly dislocated during an errant punch. Jose Aldo didn’t escape unscathed, his right foot was broken in the bout as well. However, there was no ill intent towards either fighter,…