Home Relationships and People aka DAN Adoption Documentary pt. 3

aka DAN Adoption Documentary pt. 3

In part 3 of the akaDAN series, Dan meets his biological family! Have you ever been really nervous, excited, scared all in one moment? Well, imagine those feelings and magnify them by a million. Journey with Dan Matthews as he describes first contact with his Korean family and his reaction to it all. Also learn a little about the International Korean Adoptee Association (IKAA), hear from Korean adoptees, and take a look at his brother’s cool apartment!

More Dan when the next part releases. We hope you enjoy us bringing you this exciting series! Please let us know how you feel. Feel free to tweet at me with your thoughts and feelings @999HP!
SSB articles for Part 1 & 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 & 7 | Part 8

Special thanks to Dan Matthews. Learn more about Dan on his website (here)
Series produced by Mayrok Media in association with Arirang TV
Videos linked from the ISAtv YouTube channel
Cover photo is snapshot from YouTube video.