Home Strawberry Scented Burnout A day at Anime Expo…

A day at Anime Expo…

Still catching up on entries… Sometimes I hate being behind…

On Saturday, 7/6, I’ve had the opportunity to once again attend Anime Expo, even though it was just for one day. I seem to have developed a pattern where I go to AX every two years since I first attended back in 2009. Anyway, let’s get this started…

My day actually started on 7/5 and I wasn’t able to sleep that night. So I spent some time getting my camera and laptop ready. Before I knew it, it was 4 AM on 7/6 and my brother and I were out the door. On the way up to LA, there was a really bad crash on the 5 near Camino Las Ramblas. A semi truck had crossed over (and destroyed) the center divider and the front of the truck was completely wrecked. It was still early in the morning at this point and the traffic wasn’t too bad as that only caused a 10-15 minute delay. Other than that, there were no problems getting to downtown LA and the LACC.

It was about 6:30 when we arrived and parked the car. There was still a lot of time before the registration area opened, so I tried using my PSP and DSi to see if there was a wi-fi connection I could use. At first, I thought I had to pay $13 to access the connection, but then I found another access point that was free. Sadly, there wasn’t a place for me to use my laptop as there were no outlets available, so it became useless…

A look at the LACC lobby...early in the morning...
A look at the LACC lobby…early in the morning…
The Culture Japan booth...
The Culture Japan booth…

My brother and I decided to head out to the pre-registration line. Fortunately, we went at a good time as the line was starting to get really long. After about 20-25 minutes of waiting, the line starts moving and passes are in hand. I still had quite a bit of time before the exhibit hall opened, so I headed out to a Starbucks not too far away.

The Nokia Theater...where MIKUNOPOLIS was held in 2011...
The Nokia Theater…where MIKUNOPOLIS was held in 2011…


The doors going into the Nokia Theater... Metal detectors are on the other side of those doors... Memories...
The doors going into the Nokia Theater… Metal detectors are on the other side of those doors… Memories…
A little bird comes to visit as I drink my hazelnut frappuccino...
A little bird comes to visit as I drink my hazelnut frappuccino…

I proceeded back to the South Hall area of LACC, where a huge crowd was waiting for the exhibit hall to open. It wasn’t too long before everyone rushed in…

Rushing the doors to the exhibit hall...
Rushing the doors to the exhibit hall…

As always, with any convention there’s plenty to see and purchase…

Had lunch at Hooters, which was conveniently across the street from LACC…


Overall, it was a good day. Would’ve been nice if I could attend for more than one day though.

Up next, the cosplayers found at AX. Stay tuned as I continue to catch up…