2012 in review – Thanks, everyone!

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 26,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 6 Film Festivals Click here to see the complete report. To all…

Happy 90th Birthday, Stan Lee!

What can we say.  Modern geekdom wouldn’t be where it is today without you.  Happy Birthday Stan, and keep on creating, writing, and doing what you do best.  GEEKING OUT!  The creative team of SSB wishes you the very best….and make more Heroman!


well, what can I say… smiles* thank you for sticking with us! and because of that, I draw this for you guys! I hope you all have a wonderful time, let us do our best next year!

Christmas Eve.

We of STRAWBERRY SCENTED BURNOUT  would like to wish all of our readers a happy christmakwanzukah.  We don’t discriminate here. I was gonna say some real shit, but this picture has it all.  Santa on a snowboard getting some air.  That is what christmas is all about.

Assassin’s Creed 3 Post-Game Write Up – If the world doesn’t end, we know who to thank.

Assassin’s Creed 3?  The game experience was good, but the game doesn’t hint at any closure at all.  Well, sorta.  After beating the game I felt…unsatisfied.  If they’re planning on releasing sequels to ACIII, then…. GODDAMNIT UBISOFT, STOP THAT SHIT AND JUST FINISH THE DAMN STORY! In the end, Assassin’s Creed 2 is still my…

The epilogue to “Chuunibyo demo koi ga shitai” really got me thinking about my life.

First off, if you haven’t watched Chuunibyo yet, download it and watch it.  This entry will make a helluva lot more sense.  Maybe I should put up a few screens on it, since everyone likes pictures. And a quick definition of “chuunibyo” A Japanese slang term which roughly translates to “Middle School 2nd Year Syndrome”….

Twitchy’s Anime Rocking Chair – I can’t watch Dragon Ball Z in English.

Call me a purist, or a weeaboo, or whatever the hell you want, but I can’t watch DBZ in English.  I just can’t.  The voices don’t sit well with me.  The translations don’t go over well…and the Americans have a history of fuckin’ shit up when they don’t need to. Exhibit A: Gohan’s transformation into…

Twitchy’s Videogame Rocking Chair – MechWarrior 2

The sound of a rocking chair fills the room you’re sitting in.  The creaks start getting louder, almost enveloping the area.  Then…this song drops. Now you’re sitting inside the cockpit of a Timber Wolf mech.  You’re armed to the teeth with a bunch of LRM’s, a few Pulse Lasers, a PPC cannon or two, and…

Crossing Over: Street Fighter X Mega Man

….he must be asleep.  Or he’s at work?  Neggy?  You there? …… Okay, here goes. Normally, Neggy’s the one to handle anything Capcom related, but I figure I’ll fill in for now.  I have no idea why the fuck I’m awake anyway. Since two of Capcom’s most popular IP’s are celebrating their 25th anniversaries, Capcom…