Teaaaaaaaaaa Timeeeeeee

So after celebrating Handsome-Justin’s Bday, I said to myself i should be more healthy. As of today I am drinking a mix of barley-tea, machta-green tea with Cranberry/Apple juice. Various journals have reported that these two teas have the ability to boost metabolism and burn fat among other things. It is a simple to improve your diet…

What was your gateway anime? (Part 1)

I’ve decided to get a theme going for this week.  We’re all going to talk about our “gateway” anime/manga series.  The title that got us into the whole anime/manga shindig.  We’ll spend a few paragraphs musing about it, discussing what made that anime so special to us. Leave it to me to get things started….

Me and Heather

So it would seem I have somewhat of an unhealthy obsession with heather gray. The infamous fabric material has probably been on your very own back on more than one occasion whether it be a mandatory gym uniform in middle school with your schools name pasted proudly across the front in some Serif type set…

Team handsome.

You know.

Good Job Anaheim…

This writer from the Whedonopolis website shares her experience from WonderCon…and feels Anaheim can’t handle Comic-Con if it were to ever move there… Check out the article below… Why I’m No Longer Worried About Comic Con Moving to Anaheim


  Jen by eileendoniegodefrance featuring a muscle tee So it’s been awhile since I last posted a Polyvore of a character. This one is of Jen – I did this one last week. I usually have a description that goes along w/her that I put on my website (www.eyemusingmuses.com) but I haven’t even done that….

Ja red

  So I tried to pick clothes that were just as handsome as Jared is but it’s just not possible. Here’s a few items that are cautious, cunning and also says “hey guys I’m in a Frat and i’m handsome”… The white dress shirt should be buttoned like the model in the picture and left…

Eye of the Camera

  So from day one I have been a complete unabashed fan of the form of literary expression known as the comic. I’m not one of those Simpsons comic book guy look alikes that lines up at the shop door every Wednesday to pick up the newest title, and I haven’t followed faithfully through any…

Charlie bit me

My first whack at Charlie. Dark blue denim should taper at the bottom…Striped V neck should peak from the bottom of the opened leather Obey jacket. Pork Pie hat should be worn like the handsome white guy in the picture. Everything is VERY fitted. no baggy shit for charlie Richie’s Admin Note: Polyvore turned into…