X-Men…Swagged Up

Growing up I was a complete fanboy and thought the coolest thing around was the X-Men (Uncanny). I couldn’t get enough of them. If I wasn’t at home reading my brothers comics, I was watching the FOX series on TV. If I wasn’t watching, I was playing the game at the Arcadeor on the SNES. Now we’re here in the present and not much has changed. I still read the comics graphic novels. (Ultimate). I watch the Anime version on Spike. And now I’m playing the games on my XBOX. Yup. The X-Men are the coolest thing since folded love letters and strawberry kiwi Capri Suns. But did you ever wonder what the Team of mutants would wear when they weren’t in there suits? This collection of X-Men illustrations by Andy MacDonald Shows us and features the team rocking contemporary clothing designs. Beating the Brotherhood and then Styling on em’