Congrats Felix Baumgartner. Change your name to Cid Highwind.

Props to the Red Bull Stratos team and Felix for completing one of the most ballsiest jumps in human history. This is our generation’s moon landing.  We’re still waiting on confirmation of the records broken today.  Also, uncomfirmed reports have this song playing during the fall.  

Strawberry Scented Burnout Meetup #1 – MARK IS AT THE CENTER OF THE WORLD.

So WordPress is acting really funny right now.  Not quite sure what’s going on, but here’s some of the photo’s from our first meetup at Tea N More.  Serious.

Delinquent Habits – Tres Delinquentes – YouTube

I can’t be the only Filipino person that had this single growing up. ….okay, I probably was.  And you gotta love the early 90’s PSA at the beginning of this video.  Classic. Dedicated to all my cholos and cholitas from the 619.  Handle it.

sabishii desu

I’m saying this as a point of reference for me to come back and look at myself years in the future. I would move back to Japan at the drop of a snapback cap and never look back. It’s a mecca of cultural confrontation and near catastrophe. Not to mention the buildings and houses that…

François Bayrou – Candidat à l’élection présidentielle 2012

François Bayrou – Candidat à l’élection présidentielle 2012. Dude, put the KONAMI code on this website and see what happens.  In case you’ve forgotten…. up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a (Since this is on a keyboard)