Anime Conji 2013 Review

Have you ever noticed the best moments of your life are with other people? How rare is it that the best moments of our lives are when we are alone. Sure, we have epiphanies that we remember in our lives, but when it comes to moments of celebration or of laughter or of happiness…I’m pretty…

An Anime Conji plug, among other things.

  Anime Conji.  San Diego’s only anime convention.  You might be wondering what a small website like ours has to do with this anime convention?  Well…a few things. For one thing, I’m one of the volunteer coordinators.  And yes, we are recruiting.  Interested?  Sound off in the comments, and I WILL RESPOND.  Serious. The volunteer…

A thanksgiving post.

First off, I need to apologize if the previous post shocked or scared some of you.  Yes, Team Mixed Nuts is no more.  We are simply “Strawberry Scented Burnout”.  SSB for short.  Get it?  Got it?  Good. It’s thanksgiving, where we take some time out of the year and count our blessings.  I know that…