Home Otaku Culture Video Games Japanese RPG's My Top Ten JRPG Battle Themes: #9 and #8

My Top Ten JRPG Battle Themes: #9 and #8

Numbers 9 and 8 on my JRPG battle theme countdown both come from Namco’s “Tales” franchise.  The franchise doesn’t have a big fanbase as Final Fantasy, but I bet you that the fanbase is just as fervent, if not more so than their counterparts from Square, Capcom….maybe not Atlus.

#9 is “Drawing! Grind!” from Tales of Graces.

#8 is “Full Force” from Tales of Symphonia.

What do these tracks have in common?  Motoi Sakuraba.  He composed both of these awesome tracks.  I can’t even begin to tell you how many enemies fell to my blades because of those songs.  Ahhhh, memories.

Tales of Symphonia's cast hangin' out.
Tales of Symphonia’s cast hangin’ out.
Aw, aren't they cute?  The cast of Tales of Graces.
Aw, aren’t they cute? The cast of Tales of Graces.