Home Otaku Culture From the desk of the Anime Conji Volunteer Coordinator

From the desk of the Anime Conji Volunteer Coordinator


It’s my second year as the Anime Conji Volunteer Department manager, and it’s been quite a ride.

To be honest, when I first joined Anime Conji back in December 2011, I had no idea what I was in for.  My first meeting with the conji management was an eye-opener, because I found out just how bad things were.  Their previous coordinator did almost nothing, and quit in a hurry, leaving me to build up an entire department from scratch.

I only had 3 months to get a pool of volunteers going, and get them organized enough to do work.  Up to that point, I had only been a volunteer lead with the San Diego Asian Film Festival, and even then most of my work was checking in/out volunteers, and dispatching them when needed.  I somehow met Gail I. at around that time, and I made her my co-coordinator.  The two of us recruited a pool of volunteers and we got ourselves ready for the con.

Conji 2012 did have a few hiccups on our side, as we found ourselves short a few times.  We survived however.  During the con, I discovered our dynamic, as Gail was good with keeping data organized, while I had a knack for talking to people and moving around.  The two of us worked in tandem to keep the staff properly equipped with volunteers.  Afterwards, I kept in contact with most of our volunteers, and a select few I decided to keep on as future staff members.

Conji 2013 was different.  With Gail kept busy with her job and school, I went to most of the staff meetings.  However, they did give me free reign to build my staff and crew, and I brought my fam over, as they had experience working with volunteers and staffing events through SDAFF.  I also brought over Alissa (duhlissafied), as I knew that she was organized, meticulous, thorough, and tough.  She single-handedly organized all of our volunteer schedules, printed them out on a neat set of spreadsheets that were easy-to-read and work with.  She made sure that I didn’t forget anything and kept me focused.  She did everything that was asked of her and then some.  And as for Conji 2013, I think the pictures speak for themselves.  And the massive amount of alcohol consumed.

To be honest, I don’t know where I’d be without Alissa and Gail.  Those girls are awesome.  I owe them more than I can ever count.

So, Alissa, Gail, thank you.  Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.  You two are the best partners a dummy like me could ever ask for.

And to the rest of my Dai-Conji Dan Squad, you guys are legit too.  <3

Now let’s see what the rest of the year has in store.  Anime Expo, anyone?