Home Fashion From Geek To Chic

From Geek To Chic

So I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a “geek” and all that comes with the territory. Stereotypically (keyword), a geek has a difficult time attracting the opposite sex which is usually a direct consequence of being a social dunce. We’ve all been there. Misguided folk who just need a hand to lead them down the right path. I’d like to believe that absolutely anyone can be socially savvy. And don’t get me wrong, there’s more to being socially savvy than just looks, like confidence and charm, but there is a progression to perfection (or imperfect perfection, whichever you feel more comfortable belonging to). Typically, if you know you look good, you feel good, and in turn you build confidence. Confidence allows one to release certain fears, and the release of those fears can help one develop charm. With that in mind, I found it appropriate to keep an eye out on current fashions that might help guide the misguided to at least know where they are in the let’s call it “map” of fashion.

Chic-y chipmunk stare

I started a From Geek To Chic Pinterest Board of images that I found a normally geeky person might wear, but the outfit has been pizzazzed or tada-ed. What I hope for with this project is to help turn-the-wheel in people’s minds as to what they can do to be a little more stylish or chic-y in order to be a brighter beacon that peaks the interest of the opposite sex. Turning geeky looks into chic-y stares. Dun dun dun!Below is my favorite outfit that I pinned on my pinterest board. I just love how it’s called a grandpa cardigan but looks fabulous on the girl. The color scheme is so muted, but that hint of green gives it enough pop to make it look stylish. Stay chic-y folks! But don’t worry you can also still stay geeky!! =P