A not-so-Final Fantasy

An actual discussion that happened between Justin, myself, and Brian. And yes, Brian and I stream on the official SSB channel. Usually on Fridays!I'll give you guys a few guesses...

Did you though?!

So I was brainstorming with Richie one day and well, I wrote this comic in like 20 minutes. Funnily enough, HOI was down to draw this comic. They said they...

Cousins do think alike, after all

Y’know, I still think Tifa’s BEAUTIFUL. Aerith though rose a few ranks on my “fave final fantasy girls” ranking from a while ago. Anyone that can use a folding chair in a fight earns my respect.

Francis the Otakufighter trash panda

This is a redraw of the volume 1 illustration. We're going to be doing a rerelease of our inaugural issue, the one that I sorta published a little early (sorry...

Oryx as a Yakuza Patriarch

I just got finished with a session of Yakuza 0 and Destiny 2, and promptly had a dream where Oryx came back but was voiced by Hitoshi Ozawa. That would be so awesome. Bungie make it happen.

Justin’s rush back into society was a little premature

This one comes courtesy of our own Justin Cruz, one of our own. Although he might’ve been a little premature, as covid cases are still on a slight uptick. Stay safe, everyone!

SSB stands as a beacon for hope, shitposting, and comics.

You thought we were dead?  Think again. SSB’s back, baby.  Did you really think you could get rid of us? Since we’re gearing up for the summer, I figured that it’s high time to get back to work.  We’ve got a few comics that we’re working on as I type this, a bunch that are…

Beware….the WERE-A-BOO pages 2 and 3

Just who is this Josh?  What happened to Jimmy?  Will Andrew get his glasses back?! Find out next week when we continue our adventures!

μ’s vs. 765-pro #1

Lieutenant of the Otonokizaka-kai Umi Sonoda vs. Lieutenant of the Namuko-kai Chihaya Kisaragi “You never cease to amaze me, Umi.” “Looking at you standing here now, I’m actually kind of relieved.  I was really starting to doubt my ability to judge someone’s character.” Umi took a few steps toward Chihaya, her gaze firmly fixed on…

Otakufighter – A Day in the Life of…

Leave it all in the ring, my coaches are fond of saying.  That includes your blood too.