The Redemption Arc

There comes a time in every manga/comic/anime series where the protagonist has to come back from something big. Maybe they’ve hit a wall, literally or figuratively. They could’ve been blindsided by something big. Either way, the protagonist is at a low point and they’ve gotta pick themselves up and get back into the mix swinging….

Another episode of Final Fantasy VII, and a special gift

Thanks for that, Sapphire.  That was some freaky shit, and now I’ve got a bit more material to use in a future SSB manga chapter. Also, don’t forget to catch the latest episode of Francis and Brian playing Final Fantasy VII.

2019’s first OtakuFighter, Marvin Madariaga

Martial Arts and Creativity seem to go hand-in-hand.  Through my martial arts journey I’ve met some pretty damn creative, whimsical people.  People that make you sit back and think, “yo wtf did that dude just punch that guy into next Tuesday?”. Coach Marvin Madariaga is one of those dudes that definitely rides that line of…

SSB stands as a beacon for hope, shitposting, and comics.

You thought we were dead?  Think again. SSB’s back, baby.  Did you really think you could get rid of us? Since we’re gearing up for the summer, I figured that it’s high time to get back to work.  We’ve got a few comics that we’re working on as I type this, a bunch that are…

Be the change you want to see in the world

With two days to go until Christmas and 9 days to go until the start of 2019, I’ve really gotta take some time to slow down and think.  A lot has happened and it’s really important to find our bearings. First off, holy shit.  The Super Best Friends finally breaking up.  I had an inkling…

A couple of tips when playing Gambit

Destiny 2’s newest game mode, Gambit, is a helluva lot of fun.  However, there are some nuances that some of my Gambit teammates seem to forget.  Fortunately courtesy of Dulcamarra_, over on Reddit, I’ve found some handy-dandy guides that’ll help. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD READ THEM

Destiny 2: Send Help (and tacos)

Okay, we’re about a month or so into Destiny 2’s second year and well….. I’ve had to force myself to play with my SNES Mini to get off Destiny 2.  Earthbound is such a charming and fun game but it’s hard as shit. ONYXRage’s article waxed hope for the future.  There is no hope.  All…

Beware….the WERE-A-BOO pages 2 and 3

Just who is this Josh?  What happened to Jimmy?  Will Andrew get his glasses back?! Find out next week when we continue our adventures!

Beware…the WERE-A-BOO

Written by Ivan Li and Joshua Gasaway, this new comic offers us a glimpse into the seedy underbelly of what happens when a certain powerlifting otaku lets his inner urges surface. Based on real events not limited to Anime Expo.  Click here for more pages.

It’s hot. Cool off.

Just like this plant!