Home Strawberry Scented Burnout Anime Conji Day 2 + Day 3 + Rant

Anime Conji Day 2 + Day 3 + Rant

Uh oh… The title says there’s a rant, but that’s not until the end of this entry…

Anyway, Saturday was the busiest day at Anime Conji. Lots of people were running around the hotel, which was great. Lots of volunteers came in as well. Since I wasn’t needed right away, I went out to an autograph signing for Vampy.

Waiting in line for Vampy over at Galleria Two...
Waiting in line for Vampy over at Galleria Two…

My brother and I got Vampy’s autograph and even got a picture with her. She had to be one of the nicest cosplayers I’ve ever met. Let’s not forget, she had great costumes as well.

There was a lot going on in the exhibit hall as well. There was even Cosplay Chess, where there was a big chess “board” laid out in the hall and cosplayers acted as chess pieces. I didn’t get a chance to watch though, as I had to check in again to see if I was needed…

Tabletop gaming...
Tabletop gaming…

In the Volunteer’s area, I decided to sit and wait a while, even though there were still a few volunteers waiting around as well…

The program guide...that arrived late to the con...
The program guide…that arrived late to the con…
My camera bag and cell phone...
My camera bag and cell phone…
Random light fixture shot...
Random light fixture shot…

Did some volunteer work once again (more food running and running around the hotel). Evening finally came and I went to see the Masquerade. There were about 10 entries in all. They even showed the AMVs that won awards. My favorites were the AMV that won Best Action (FMA: Brotherhood), the AMV for Elfen Lied, and the AMV that won Best of Show.

Guest Tadao Tomomatsu hosting the Masquerade...
Guest Tadao Tomomatsu hosting the Masquerade…
Masquerade participants...
Masquerade participants…

Sunday was the last day of Anime Conji. It wasn’t too busy and the volunteers hasn’t much to do, so I went running around the hotel again.


In the afternoon, I was asked to help the game room for a while as they had no one to check badges when attendees were coming in…

Random chandelier shot...
Random chandelier shot…

Afterwards, I went to a panel that Vampy was running in regards to cosplay. It was interesting to hear how she got the name Vampy and how she works on her cosplay designs.

Vampy answering questions at her panel...
Vampy answering questions at her panel…

One last check in at the Volunteer’s room and the con was pretty much finished. Anime Conji has been growing each year and it’s getting better, but there’s still lots of work to be done. I’m hoping next year will be awesome.

And now for the heart of this entry…THE COSPLAYERS~!! The following are cosplayers that were found on Day 2 and Day 3…

…and finally…


Now for the final segment of my entry…the rant… Before I begin, I want to throw out this disclaimer just so I’m covered…

The following rant contains statements and opinions that are expressed by this member of SSB only. It does not reflect the statements or opinions of the other members of SSB or anyone affiliated with SSB.

Normally, I wouldn’t post a rant, but I had to make a rare exception this time only because it’s related to Anime Conji. Just to be clear, I’m not ranting about the con itself, but rather a person. On Facebook, I usually refer to this person as [name withheld]. Some that know me on Facebook know who I’m referring to when I reference [name withheld], but for those that don’t know…let’s just say it’s a lot of small things that add up to one big mess…and I’d rather not go into it…

On Sunday (Day 3), a friend of mine was planning on attending Anime Conji for the first time. He had the unfortunate task of waiting for [name withheld] to pick up and meet up with one of [name withheld]’s friends at Fashion Valley. Though I had overslept and was already running late, I sent a text to my friend letting him know I was heading out to the con and asked that he tell me when he got there. His response was not surprising. He said [name withheld] was to pick him up at 9 AM…

It was already 9:30…and he hadn’t heard from [name withheld] at all…

My brother and I offered to pick him up since [name withheld] has a history of quoting times and not arriving until later (sometimes much later)… We pick him up, he sends a text saying he got a ride, and we head to the con. We arrive just after 10 AM and walk over to the registration area (and checked with Volunteers in case I was needed). We walked around for a little bit and find out [name withheld]’s friend was over at Fashion Valley waiting. We went over to the mall and found her waiting outside of Godiva. We all walk back to the con, got registration squared away, then proceeded to the exhibit hall. Around this time, my friend gets a text from [name withheld].

She had overslept…

Around 11:30, [name withheld] was probably calling or sending texts to the two (not me though because she doesn’t have my cell number…and I plan on keeping it that way). [name withheld]’s friend was already in line for an autograph, so my friend went to go find [name withheld]. At this point I checked in with Volunteers and had to do a food run up in the Staff Lounge. From there, I was getting texts saying [name withheld] wasn’t found at Fashion Valley. My friend stayed at Fashion Valley waiting for [name withheld] up until around 1 PM. Upon coming back to the con, he ran into [name withheld], but she just walked away all upset and felt she “wasn’t wanted.” She probably ended up going home after that… The rest of us proceeded with checking things out, buying stuff, taking pics, and occasionally checking in to see if I was needed up until the con ended.

I honestly don’t understand why [name withheld] would be so upset and storm off like that when…

  1. She overslept…
  2. She made two people wait for her…and they could’ve potentially been waiting for up to 3 hours…
  3. She could’ve just gone to the con and asked that they meet her somewhere, but instead would rather be a drama queen and walk away…

Let’s compare this situation to a job interview. For example, [name withheld] lands an interview with a company she’s been wanting to work at. It’s scheduled for 9 AM. The morning of the interview, she oversleeps and arrives two hours late. At this point, she may get condescending looks from the staff there and she may not even get a chance to interview. She could even be sitting there for a long period of time and just end up leaving…

Of course, that’s just hypothetical…

Realistically, [name withheld] really has to learn that…

  1. The world doesn’t revolve around her…
  2. Making someone wait for lengthy periods of time never helps…especially when a convention is happening…
  3. Having an immature, drama queen type of attitude and throwing a fit is just so damn childish and she seriously needs to grow up…
  4. Oversleeping every now then is okay, but if it’s during a convention that she was serious about attending, it should NEVER be an excuse…

Ironically, I’m reminded of the year that [name withheld] gave me her professional guest pass for Comic-Con (at that time I was just a general attendee…without a pass…). When Preview Night started, my brother was already in the exhibit hall running around, yet I was stuck in the professional registration area waiting. She finally arrived and I was able to get my pass, but it was already an hour into Preview Night. I remember being upset because that hour I lost could’ve been spent grabbing free stuff, taking pictures and checking out the exhibitors…

Anyway, I’m digressing…

The actions of [name withheld] on Sunday didn’t really affect me at all as I was too busy getting through the day. Yesterday, [name withheld] was chatting with those two online, but never mentioned anything about what happened on Sunday. Not a single word…

Whatever… She should be upset with herself and not at the two that waited for her… She knows what she did…

With that said, I think it’s time I wrapped up this rant and the blog entry as a whole. I hope I don’t have to do another rant for quite some time, but if [name withheld] does something very stupid again it just may happen. Anime Conji was fun. The volunteers and cosplayers were awesome! Looking forward to next year…

Up next, Anime Expo! Stay tuned…